45 research outputs found

    High-Speed and Low-Cost Implementation of Explicit Model Predictive Controllers

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    This paper presents a new form of piecewise-affine (PWA) solution, referred to as PWA hierarchical (PWAH), to approximate the explicit model predictive control (MPC) law, achieving a very rapid control response with the use of very few computational and memory resources. This is possible because PWAH controllers consist of single-input single-output PWA modules connected in cascade so that the parameters needed to define them increase linearly instead of exponentially with the input dimension of the control problem. PWAH controllers are not universal approximators but several explicit MPC controllers can be efficiently approximated by them. A methodology to design PWAH controllers is presented and validated with application examples already solved by MPC approaches. The designed PWAH controllers implemented in field-programmable gate arrays provide the highest control speed using the fewest resources compared with the other digital implementations reported in the literature.Ministerio de Econom铆a, Industria y Competitividad TEC2014-57971-

    XFVHDL4: A hardware synthesis tool for fuzzy systems

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    This paper presents a design technique that allows the automatic synthesis of fuzzy inference systems and accelerates the exploration of the design space of these systems. It is based on generic VHDL code generation which can be implemented on a programmable device (FPGA) or an application specific integrated circuit (ASIC). The set of CAD tools supporting this technique includes a specific environment for designing fuzzy systems, in combination with commercial VHDL simulation and synthesis tools. As demonstrated by the analyzed design examples, the described development strategy speeds up the stages of description, synthesis, and functional verification of fuzzy inference systems.Comunidad Europea FP7-IST-248858Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovaci贸n TEC2008-04920Junta de Andaluc铆a P08-TIC-0367

    Using Xfuzzy environment for the whole design of fuzzy systems

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    Since 1992, Xfuzzy environment has been improving to ease the design of fuzzy systems. The current version, Xfuzzy 3, which is entirely programmed in Java, includes a wide set of new featured tools that allow automating the whole design process of a fuzzy logic based system: from its description (in the XFL3 language) to its synthesis in C, C++ or Java (to be included in software projects) or in VHDL (for hardware projects). The new features of the current version have been exploited in different application areas such as autonomous robot navigation and image processing.Comisi贸n Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnolog铆a DPI2005-02293 y TEC2005-04359Junta de Andaluc铆a TIC2006-635 y TEP2006-37

    Aplicaci贸n de XFuzzy 3 al procesado de im谩genes basado en reglas

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    Los entornos de desarrollo de sistemas fuzzy se han empleado normalmente para dise帽ar sistemas de control y de toma de decisiones pero apenas para dise帽ar sistemas de procesado de im谩genes, a pesar de que este campo cuenta ya con numerosas soluciones basadas en L贸gica Fuzzy. En este art铆culo se muestra c贸mo el entorno Xfuzzy 3 desarrollado en el Instituto de Microelectr贸nica de Sevilla posee la versatilidad necesaria para abordar el dise帽o de estos sistemas, facilitando su descripci贸n, verificaci贸n, ajuste y s铆ntesis.Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnolog铆a TEC2008-04920Junta de Andaluc铆a P08-TIC-0367

    Dise帽o de sistemas difusos para procesado de im谩genes con XFuzzy 3

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    La presente comunicaci贸n describe la utilizaci贸n de un software de libre distribuci贸n, Xfuzzy 3, para ilustrar la aplicaci贸n de sistemas difusos al procesamiento de im谩genes, en concreto, al problema del aumento de resoluci贸n. El proceso de dise帽o de sistemas difusos quedar谩 cubierto por el uso de las herramientas CAD de descripci贸n, verificaci贸n, identificaci贸n, aprendizaje y simplificaci贸n del entorno XFuzzy en su versi贸n 3.3, que facilitan al alumno la comprensi贸n de todos los pasos del proceso

    Controlador difuso para problemas de navegaci贸n en presencia de obst谩culos fijos

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    En esta comunicaci贸n se describe un sistema de control difuso para aplicaciones de navegaci贸n de robots m贸viles aut贸nomos en presencia de obst谩culos fijos. Las herramientas de CAD del entorno Xfuzzy 3, desarrollado en el IMSE, han facilitado el dise帽o del controlador. En la comunicaci贸n se procede a la verificaci贸n del controlador dise帽ado operando en un lazo cerrado con el modelo del robot m贸vil aut贸nomo el茅ctrico Romeo 4R, dise帽ado y construido en la Escuela Superior de Ingenieros de la Universidad de Sevilla. Las simulaciones realizadas demuestran la eficiencia del controlador desarrollado.Comisi贸n Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnolog铆a TEC2005-04359/MICJunta de Andaluc铆a DPI2005-0229

    FPGA-based implementation of a fuzzy motion adaptive de-interlacing algorithm

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    This paper surveys the hardware implementation of a de-interlacing algorithm on Field-Programmable Technology for real-time processing. The algorithm presented evaluates the level of motion at each pixel, and determines the interpolation between a spatial and a temporal method according to the presence of motion. To achieve it the algorithm employs an hierarchical structure with three simple fuzzy systems. The first one performs a set of fuzzy rules to apply reasoning in order to detect motion; the second one selects the most convenient direction to implement an edge-dependent line average method; and the third one is used to choose the most adequate temporal method. The hardware implementation of this algorithm combines pipeline architecture with a parallel processing of fuzzy rules to accelerate the computation. As result an efficient implementation is developed in terms of computational time and hardware cos

    An automated design flow from linguistic models to piecewise polynomial digital circuits

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    This paper describes how the different CAD tools of the environment Xfuzzy 3, developed in Microelectronics Institute of Seville and University of Seville, allow to translate expressive linguistic models into mathematical ones, in particular, into a combination of piecewise polynomial systems that can be implemented efficiently in hardware. The new synthesis tool of Xfuzzy 3 automates communication with Xilinx System Generator in Matlab, thus facilitating implementation of the linguistic model into an FPGA from Xilinx. This is illustrated with the design of a navigation controller for an autonomous robot.Comunidad Europea FP7-IST-248858Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnolog铆a TEC2008-04920Junta de Andaluc铆a P08-TIC-0367

    Aplicaci贸n de t茅cnicas de interpolaci贸n basadas en l贸gica difusa al procesado de im谩genes de video

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    Muchas tareas b谩sicas de procesado de im谩genes requieren la manipulaci贸n de grandes vol煤menes de informaci贸n que, en ocasiones, puede resultar ambigua y/o imprecisa como consecuencia de las caracter铆sticas propias de las im谩genes (gran cantidad de detalles con grandes contrastes de valores de luminancia y secuencias con un elevado grado de movimiento) o de los defectos de las mismas (presencia de ruido, falta de nitidez, etc.). En esta comunicaci贸n se analizan nuevas t茅cnicas de interpolaci贸n basadas en l贸gica difusa que proporcionan soluciones eficaces para dos aplicaciones t铆picas de procesado de im谩genes: el desentrelazado de se帽ales de v铆deo y el incremento de resoluci贸n de im谩genes

    Tuning of a hierarchical fuzzy system for video de-interlacing

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    The tuning of hierarchical fuzzy systems are not supported by the majority of CAD tools available at the market currently. The xfsl tool integrated into Xfuzzy 3 allows the tuning of complex fuzzy systems, for instance, hierarchical systems with modules in cascade. The authors propose the use of this tool for tuning a complex fuzzy system for video deinterlacing in this paper. The parameters obtained after tuning are proven by de-interlacing a wide battery of sequences. The use of tuning techniques improves the quality of de-interlacing and provides an algorithm simplification that facilitates its hardware implementatio